Dear Partner,
Asset Africa Institute is pleased to announce the following workshop
Workshop Title: Proposal Writing & Fund-Raising Masterclass
Date: 19th -23rd June, 2023
Venue: Heron Portico Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
Cost: USD 395 (Covers Ten o’clock tea/snacks, buffet lunches, water, writing materials, four o’clock tea/snacks. Participants make own travel and accommodation arrangements.
Group discounts apply
End of Registration: This class normally fills early and registration ends on 12.06
Enroll Here
Participants: Executive Directors, Program/Project Coordinators, Program/Project Managers, Financial Managers/Officers, Grant Managers, & Officers, Scholars & Researchers
Training Introduction
Practical application of skills in proposal development is significant in organization growth and often creates the whole difference between performing and non-performing organizations.
Many organizations report having more than half of all their grant applications being unsuccessful; a fact mostly attributed to submission of poorly drafted project proposals.
Since there is a direct link between proposal quality and grant application success, this training aims to increase your organization’s ability to attract grant funds by equipping staff with adequate skills to improve their competence in the design of high quality and credible grant winning project proposals.
With the training discussing each one of the individual components in detail, offering demonstrations, examples and samples, participants are thus fully equipped to take lead in the grant application processes in the organization.
Further, Interaction with experts and participants from a diversity of backgrounds aims to identify good practice in organization proposal development and fund-raising activities.
This will facilitate an understanding of the level and magnitude of the opportunities available and inform appropriate planning. This will also enable the identification of emerging opportunities, document lessons learnt, identify barriers and gaps and make recommendations to inform your organization fundraising strategy.
Consequently, participation in this masterclass, helps to improve the strength of your proposal or concept note and ensure your application for donor funding has the best chance of success.
Key Subject areas
Session1: Introduction and defining objectives and expectations
Session II: Logical chain and proposal format
Session III: How will you start writing and talking about your organization
Session IV: Assessment of Current Responses, Resources and Unmet Needs
o Problem Assessment
o Problem Analysis
o Beneficiary/participant profile
o Resources available
o Causal Hypothesis
Session V:Defining project goal/s and objectives
Session VI:Designing project strategy
Session VII:Monitoring and evaluation
Session VIII:Project sustainability
Session IX:Project management and administration
Session X:Budgeting
Session XI:Mastering the Fund-Raising Environment
Session XII:Donor Analysis and Mapping
Session XIII:Designing a Fund-Raising strategy for your organization
Session XIV:Financing the Fund-Raising strategy
Session XVI:How to implement the Fund-Raising strategy
Session XVII:Evaluating the Fund-Raising strategy
Overall Objective: To reinforce the competences of the proposal development teams /lead on the development and writing of convincing grant proposal with a lucid and compelling style of writing, illustrating technical rigor with donor friendly language while demonstrating a thorough understanding of objectives of the donors
By the end of the training, you will be able to demonstrate the following competences:
Develop a project design using causal pathway framework
Identify the types of information to be included under each section of a grant proposal
Define the logical chain that should be carefully observed when writing a proposal
Analyze the problem and address it systematically using problem and objective analysis
Demonstrate information in numbers and visuals, which is a valuable feature of any grant proposal
Demonstrate ability in formulating the rationale of your project and create its model in a clear and concise way
Developing and presenting project’s theory of change
Present your project strategy in a persuasive way
Draw a detailed implementation plan
Plan for project sustainability
Ensure cross-cutting issues- gender perspective, protection mainstreaming, social inclusion etc. are incorporated into strategic and annual budgets planning processes
Conduct donor research, intelligence gathering and mapping, Local and international Funding landscape analysis, plus gap and competitive analysis
Design a fund-raising strategy and plan
Acquire the skill to estimate and justify project costs including describing budget in the narrative
Sample Comments from past participants
∙“This was a masterpiece and I pledge to improve on my performance at work”, N.N. Wilson, Program Officer, CABTAL, Cameroon.
∙ “The workshop is very practical and insightful-Probably the best training I have ever participated in!” J. P. Magezi, Office of the Prime Minister, Uganda,
∙ “I have started working on fund-raising issues and thank you too for the relevant training materials you shared with us”. A. Diagne, Head of Development and Fundraising, CICODEV- Senegal
∙For those of our proposals which didn’t get funding, the donor was probably right! I am able to identify salient mistakes which may have cost us grants; our proposals will hence more competitive. W.Sansole, Business Development Manager, Solidaridad Network Southern Africa
∙The workshop combines both theory and practice and the facilitators exhibit a lot of experience, G. Shikuku, Inter-Regional Education Coordinator, Jesuit Refugee Service East& South African Regions.
Training Methodology
Dynamic, creative, participant centered, practical, interactive, interesting adult learning methodologies and diverse media are applied to lift the participants to high levels of proficiency.
After-training, follow-up and remedial coaching will be offered to interested participants on request for free.
About the Organization
Asset Africa Institute specializes in the research, design and delivery of high quality and affordable training programs for development workers worldwide.
Over the years, AAI has provided consultancies and training to such reputable organizations as;
National University of Nigeria(NOUN), Catholic University in Mozambique, Ministry of Finance and Planning, South Sudan ,Makerere University, Uganda, Act for Peace, World Relief International, Mzumbe University, Tanzania, Caritas Malawi, Christian Care Zimbabwe, FCA-Kenya, Ministry of Mining-South Sudan, Addis Ababa University-Ethiopia, FHI360-Burundi, Gain-Pakistan, MOI University-Kenya, The Development Fund-Ethiopia/Somalia, eHealth-Nigeria, SolidarMed Zimbabwe, JRS-Thailand, SEND Sierra Leone, CABTAL Cameroon, FH Association Rwanda, Abilis Foundation, Manuel Ungo Foundation-El Salvador, IHRD-Guinea, WWF-Tanzania, NCA-Zambia, Islamic Relief-Somalia, CBM, DON BOSCO-Kenya/Tanzania, Solidaridad Network among others.
For more information, contact
Lillian Ateng’
Training Coordinator
Asset Africa Institute
Trust Mansion Hse, Tubman Road off Koinange Street
P.O. Box 12903 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 -722 469454/720986965
Email: /