Start Date: 29th June 2022
Training Duration: 8 Weeks
Cost: USD 250 (Group discounts apply)
Participants: Executive Directors, Program Managers, MEAL Coordinators, MEAL Managers, MEAL Officers, Policy Specialists, Data Analysts, Finance & Administration Staff, Planning Staff
Training Objectives:
- Improve Project Effectiveness Through Rigorous Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning
- Apply Existing and Design Program, Evaluation, And Learning Tools- Registers, Reporting Templates, Databases, Case and Success Stories/Stories of Change)-For All Projects
- Ensure Data Are Collected, Analyzed and Presented for Decision Making and Program Learning
- Familiarize with The Components of An Effective Monitoring, Evaluation Accountability and Learning Plan
- Familiarize with Methods and Tools to Conduct Data Collection, Statistical Analysis, and Reporting.
- Understand the Key Components for Effective MEAL Through Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation in Order to Improve Management Performance and Evidence-Based Decision Making.
- Adapt Tools to Ensure Accountability Measures and Reporting Are Integrated into Programming
- Identify Tools and Techniques to Measure and Report Project/Programme Results to Stakeholders, Donors/ Funders, Supervisors, or The General Public.
- Prepare and Present Reports Which Reflect Change
- Provide Mentorship for MEAL Staff for Timely Data Collection, Compilation, Analysis, and Reporting
Course Outline
Week 1-2: Introduction to MEAL
- Core considerations
- Importance of M&E in project implementation
- Main M&E systems, processes, steps and guides
- Foundations of MEAL: Theory of Change, Result based Management, Logical Framework
- Theory of Change and its application in M&E, Project Design & Implementation
- RBM and its components
- Logical Framework summary
- M&E Planning
- Integrating M&E in planning
Week 4: Performance Management Planning
- Indicators and tracking
- Evaluation and TOR
- Feedback, response and decision making
- M&E Communication plans
- An effective M&E Plan
Week 5: Monitoring
- Qualitative and quantitative data collection approaches
- Data sampling approaches
- Data mapping, analysis, interpretation
- Tabulation and presentation of data
- Setting stating, and measuring Indicators,
Week 6: Conducting Evaluation
- Types
- The project evaluation process
- Using and Communicating evaluation results
Week 7: Accountability, Planning and Management.
- Levels of accountability
- Quality control and assurance
- Donor & stakeholders management
- Strengthening feedback mechanisms
Week 8: Lessons Learnt in Projects
- Determination of lessons learned
- Integration of lessons learned
- Sharing lessons learned
- Reporting in MEAL-Target audience
- Adaptive management
- Lessons learned data capture
- Reporting change
- Closing the Gap
- Planning on MEAL as an organization
- The training schedule available upon request
Delivery Methodology
The 8 Week course, blends Live online sessions, Self-paced offline study, Practical, engaging, and job-
related exercises, Competency assessment assignments with constant feedback, interactive- expert facilitated
Q&A discussion sessions reinforce learning and knowledge acquisition and boost competency to facilitate
change of perspectives, attitudes, and practices. This change will be observed in the workplace.