Asset Africa Institute, ( is pleased to announce the following training.
Workshop Title: Advanced Monitoring and Evaluation workshop for Middle to Senior Managers
Purpose of Training
This 6 day training enables participants improve leadership outcomes in key M & E functions including; Planning and Documentation, Establishing/Strengthening M&E System,Project Monitoring,M & E Staff Needs Assessment & Training, Evaluation Activities, International Humanitarian Standards on Quality & Accountability and Performing Knowledge Management
Training Objectives: This training enhances participants’ competencies to;
- Identify fissures in M & E systems and provide practical recommendations on their improvement
- Provide leadership in the design and implementation of M & E processes to enhance planning and inform decision making to improve project outcomes
- Develop, update and refine M&E framework structures and performance monitoring plans
- Provide Leadership in the design and implementation of data management and DQA training to project staff
- Oversight M& E data collection, data integrity checking, storage and data cleaning processes
- Scrutinize data currently being gathered by the existing tools and recommend/perform improvements to capture the full range of results of the program log frame
- Perform program budget performance monitoring
- Provide specialist expertise to consultants in the identification of evaluation criteria
- M&E Managers/ Coordinators /Team Leaders, Data Quality Assessment Specialists, Senior Survey Specialists, Senior Data Analysts, Senior Researchers, Planning Experts, Program Directors/Managers/Officers, Data managers, Quality Assurance Managers/Officers
Day 1: Planning and Documentation
- Overview of Program Design-Main Frameworks/ theory of change (TOC)
- Development and Operationalization of M & E Plans
- Maintenance of Documentation Systems for M & E
- Supervision of M & E Activities in a project-Responsibility centers for M & E Managers/Officers
- Communicating M&E data to line staff & Other Users
- Information Management
Day 2: Establishing/Strengthening M&E System
- Identifying the resources Fundamental to Improving and Sustaining M&E System Performance.
- Identifying & Sealing Gaps in the organization’s M & E Systems
- Designing the Planning Tool for Developing a Digital Library of M & E Resources
- Designing and Maintaining Program Indicator Database
- Strategies for Ensuring full adherence to the M&E System
- Software for Management of Large M & E Data
- International Quality Control Standards for Performing Data Quality Assessment
- Advanced Data Management Techniques: Code book- computerized metadata system-imputation techniques.
- Standards in M & E-Application of the M&E Standard Operating Procedures
Day 3: Monitoring
- Identifying Weakness and Constraints in Data Collection Methods
- Methodology for Performance Monitoring and Verification of Implemented Activities
- Monitoring Data, Decision Making & Program Management
- Validation Analysis of Programmatic Reports
- Facilitating Improvements of Record Keeping
- Standardization in Evaluation and Reporting Practices
- Tracking Program Budget Expenditure
Day 4: M & E Needs Assessment & Training
- Conducting M & E Training Needs Assessment for Program Staff
- M & E staff Training -curriculum design-training-supervision of skills application
- Programme for Providing Technical Support to junior managers for on-going Projects
- Programming for a web-based Monitoring & Evaluation Management Information System (M&EIS)
Day 4: Evaluation Activities
- Organizing for and Oversight of Annual Evaluation Plans and Processes
- Preparing TOR for evaluation (surveys/needs assessments/evaluation) consultants
- Analysis and Communication of Evaluation Reports to End- Users
Day 5: International Humanitarian Standards on Quality & Accountability
- Defining, Designing, Communicating & Tracking “Minimum Accountability Standards” for Projects
- Beneficiary-centered “Complaints Response Mechanisms (CRM)”
- Ensuring adherence to Donor Accountability Policies and Procedures among Staff and Beneficiaries
- Conducting Timely Beneficiary Meetings on Quality Improvement
- Ensuring IEC Materials meet up to Program/Organizational Quality Standards
- Data Cleaning -Ensuring adherence to Rules for Data Cleaning
Day 6: Knowledge Management
- Collating lessons learnt and best practices from different projects into Future Programming
- Management Responses to Lessons Learnt
- Designing and Updating a Lessons Learnt Chart
- Closing the gap
Workshop Methodology
Blending Power Point Presentations, Experience Sharing from Participants, lectures, group discussion, plenary presentations and videos, this seminar strives for quality and applicability by ensuring that the training is highly practical, participatory, and interactive .Additionally, facilitator-led but participants- centered methodology is reinforced by post seminar support -as needed- to maximize the benefits of learning.
About the Organization
Asset Africa Institute ( -AAI- specializes in the research, design and delivery of high quality and affordable training programs for development workers worldwide. Over the years, AAI has provided consultancies and training to such reputable organizations as: Federal University, Birnin Kebbi-Nigeria, Norwegian Church Aid-Zambia, ACOMIN-Nigeria, Salvation Army-Tanzania, Love Botswana Outreach Mission, Islamic Relief-Somalia, Cornerstone Development-Uganda, IOM-South Sudan, DCA-Ethiopia, Africa Rice Center -Benin, Rwanda Union of the Blind, Sasakawa Africa Association-Ethiopia, Harare Institute of Technology-Zimbabwe, CARE-International-Mali, Mazommo Construction Company-Liberia, CARE-International-Niger, UNDP-Somalia, HEAL Africa-DRC, Diakonia, County Government of Siaya-Kenya, Oxfam GB-Yemen, Generations for Peace-Jordan, among others.
For further information, kindly contact:
Lillian Ateng’
Training Coordinator
Asset Africa Institute
Trust Mansion Hse, Tubman Road off Koinange Street
P.O. Box 12903 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 -722 469454/720986965
Email: info@ /