Title of the document Proposal Writing, Grant Management and Professional Report Writing, 24-28 March 2025, Nairobi, Kenya

Upcoming Workshop

The Complete Course in Grant Proposal Writing & Fund Raising, 26th -29th August 2024, Nairobi, Kenya

The Complete Course in Grant Proposal Writing & Fund Raising

We are pleased to announce this workshop.

Course Title: The Complete Course in Grant Proposal Writing & Fund Raising

Date: 26th -29th August 2024

Duration: 1 Week

Cost: USD 495 (Which covers the following cost items: Ten O’clock tea/snacks, buffet lunches, water, writing materials, four O’clock coffees and certificate)

Close of Registration: 16.08.2024

Participants: Fund Raising and Resource Mobilization managers in Universities, Executive Directors, Program/Project Coordinators, Program/Project Managers, Heads of Partnerships and Networking, Fund Raising Managers/Officers, Financial Managers, and all those whose responsibilities include interaction with donor agencies.

To enhance maximize training outcomes, we recommend organizations to register both program, admin and finance departments.

Fill this form to get started

Key Training Objectives

This is a masterclass offering different outcomes for you including;

– Understanding in detail all the steps and contents in a proper proposal and learning how to articulate them according to the donor’s requirements. The participant will comprehend various proposals, concept notes, and demonstrate skilled ability to make a strong pitch for proposals.

– By the end of the training, your staff will have developed the expertise to clearly highlight institutional track record showcasing your organization’s experience, expertise, past successes in implementing similar projects or initiatives, explain why the project is relevant and timely underlining any unique approaches, innovative methods, or partnerships that set a project apart and increase its potential for success.

– Mastering the fundraising environment and gaining a comprehensive understanding of the changing funding landscape, emerging trends in donor funding, as well as the internal systems and processes related to fundraising. This knowledge is essential for participants and fundraisers to effectively navigate the complex fund-raising environment and maximize their success in securing financial support.

– Effective fund-raising requires robust internal systems and processes and all participants attending the training will have a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s internal fund-raising systems, including donor management systems, databases, and reporting mechanisms. This knowledge enables efficient and streamlined fund-raising operations and ensures accurate tracking and reporting.

– Understand and apply deeper skills in relating with and retaining donors by ensuring regular communication, acknowledging contributions, and providing updates on the impact of their support.

– Appreciate the importance of leveraging technology and data in modern fundraising efforts as participants as they familiarize themselves with the latest technological tools and platforms that can enhance fundraising activities.

– Gain an In-depth understanding of the importance of diversifying fundraising strategies by considering expanding organization fund-raising channels to reach a wider donor base and maximize organization’s fund-raising potential.

Sample Comments from Past Participants 

“I have really gained sufficient knowledge on the subject and i will use this knowledge to support my organization for mobilization of funds.” 
William Wek, Program Manager, TOCH-SS 

“It was a great experience being part of a great class. The Proposal Writing component was truly a masterclass. I appreciate everything and look forward for more learning opportunities in the future.” 
Marthaline Doe, Program Officer, International Organization for Immigration-Liberia 

“Thanks for the detailed training. There were good opportunities to learn and improve our work.” 
Stephanie Okpere Project Manager eHealth Africa-Nigeria 

“I enjoyed the proposal writing and fundraising masterclass. It has been so beneficial in my  work.” 
Glory Kanthambi- Programme Officer SRHR Alliance Kenya 

“Thank you so much for the master class. I really learned a lot. Looking forward to signing up for another class.” 
Princess Ayebare – Project Manager, Greenwatch Uganda 

Training Methodology

Dynamic, creative, participant centered, practical, interactive, interesting adult learning methodologies and diverse media are applied to lift the participants to high levels of proficiency. 

After-training, follow-up and remedial coaching will be offered to interested participants on request for free.​


About the Organization 

Asset Africa Institute (www.assetafrica.co.ke) -AAI- specializes in the research, design and delivery of high quality and affordable training programs for development workers worldwide. 

Over the years, AAI has provided consultancies and training to such reputable organizations as;  World Resources Institute, Catholic University of Mozambique, National Open University of Nigeria(NOUN),African Centre for Agroecology and Livelihood Systems ( ACALISE)-Uganda, WIOMSA, International University of East Africa (IUEA), Help-ev.de-Zimbabwe, FCA-Kenya, Ministry of Mining-South Sudan, Addis Ababa University-Ethiopia, FHI360-Burundi, Gain-Pakistan, MOI University-Kenya, The Development Fund-Ethiopia/Somalia, eHealth-Nigeria, SolidarMed Zimbabwe, JRS-Thailand, SEND Sierra Leone, CABTAL Cameroon, FH Association Rwanda, Abilis Foundation, Manuel Ungo Foundation-El Salvador, IHRD-Guinea, WWF-Tanzania, NCA-Zambia, Islamic Relief-Somalia, CBM, DON BOSCO-Kenya/Tanzania, Solidaridad Network-Zimbabwe, TOCH-South Sudan, CORDAID-CAR, CHA -Malawi, Long-Term Joint European Union – African Union Research and Innovation Partnership on energy (LEAP-RE), Among tens of others.  

For further information, kindly contact;​

Lillian Ateng’​

Training Coordinator​

Asset Africa Institute​

Trust Mansion Hse, Tubman Road off Koinange Street​

P.O. Box 12903 – 00100​

Nairobi, Kenya​

Phone: +254 -704122097/720986965

Email: assetafrika@gmail.com | info@assetafrica.co.ke

You don’t want to miss this one-time discount.

Enroll now

Sample Reviews from Previous Courses

“The facilitation, notes, reviews, and insights have greatly improved my ability in proposal writing. I want to accept that this is an incredible training and I have benefited a lot”
Zablon Ernest
Program Officer, World Vegetable Center, East And Central Africa
“I got many positive comments from this experience- from the practical nature of the training to getting an opportunity to exchange experiences with many colleagues from other countries”
E. Hordoffa
Project Manager, NRC-Ethiopia
"An incredibly excellent forum for managers. Great experience for me and my colleague and we hope to impact our organization on return."
J. Mlamba
Project Manager, Total LandCare, Malawi

Monitoring Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) – Online Course