Title of the document Proposal Writing, Grant Management and Professional Report Writing, 24-28 March 2025, Nairobi, Kenya

Upcoming Workshop

The Complete Course in Grant Proposal Writing & Fund Raising, 26th -29th August 2024, Nairobi, Kenya

Proposal Writing, Grant Management & Professional Report Writing-Subsidized Training

Asset Africa Institute, (www.assetafrica.co.ke) is pleased to invite you to the following workshop.

Workshop Title: Proposal Writing, Grant Management & Professional Report Writing-Subsidized Training

Training Brief

This workshop concludes a successful series of training organization staff in designing and delivering a consistently high level of expertly formulated, convincing, grant winning proposals, subsequently managing the grant in complete conformity with donor guidelines while simultaneously increasing your ability to manage, analyze and document complex information into professional reports credible enough to not only get acted upon but equally support effective decision-making.

When two or more participants from the same organization participate in this workshop, it is especially useful.

Sample Comments from some of the Past Participants

This is a great experience for me, finance and program staff should consider participating together for an all round perspective in project design and implementation

H. Ramerison, Head of Operations, Finance & HR, Blue Ventures NGO, Madagascar

For those of our proposals which didn’t get funding, the donor was probably right! I am able to identify salient  mistakes which may have cost us grants; our proposals will hence more competitive

W.Sansole, Business Development Manager,Solidaridad Network-Southern Africa

My expectations were fully met and I will encourage my colleagues to enroll on this very good training

M. Osman Liaison OfficerHuman Concern International ,East Africa Office -Somalia

The workshop combines both theory and practice and the facilitators exhibit a lot of experience

G.Shikuku, Inter-Regional Education Coordinator, Jesuit Refugee Service East & South African Regions

The content is true value for money! Customized in-house programs would be even better to reach more staff

E. Olembo, Advocacy Officer, Minority Rights Group International

An incredibly excellent forum for managers. Great experience for me and my colleague and we hope to impact our organization on return.”

J.Mlamba, Project Manager, Total LandCare, Malawi

This foundation course is also delivered in –house to organizations with staff of 10-45.

 Complete course content and agenda available on request

About the Asset Africa Institute

Asset Africa Institute (www.assetafrica.co.ke) -AAI- specializes in the research, design and delivery of high quality and affordable training programs for development workers worldwide. Over the years, AAI has provided consultancies and training to such reputable organizations as: Federal University, Birnin Kebbi-Nigeria, Norwegian Church Aid-Zambia, ACOMIN-Nigeria, Salvation Army-Tanzania, Love Botswana Outreach Mission, Islamic Relief-Somalia, Cornerstone Development-Uganda, IOM-South Sudan, DCA-Ethiopia, Africa Rice Center -Benin, Rwanda Union of the Blind, Sasakawa Africa Association-Ethiopia, Harare Institute of Technology-Zimbabwe, CARE-International-Mali, Mazommo Construction Company-Liberia, CARE-International-Niger, UNDP-Somalia, HEAL Africa-DRC,  Diakonia, NGO Safety-Somalia, County Government of Siaya-Kenya, Oxfam GB-Yemen,  Generations for Peace-Jordan, CBR Africa Network-Uganda, Victoria Finance PLC-Tanzania, PSI-Benin, WASH Alliance Hellen Keller International-Mali, ADRA Niger, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources-Ghana, The American Refugee Committee (ARC)-Somalia, Under the Same Sun-Tanzania among others.

For more information kindly contact: 

Lillian Ateng’
Training Coordinator
Asset Africa Institute
Trust Mansion Hse, Tubman Road off Koinange Street
P.O. Box 12903 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya      
 Phone: +254 -722 469454/720986965    
Email: info@ /assetafrika@gmail.com 

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